Sunday, January 22, 2012

Secret Keeper Girl coming to Florida!

I am very excited to attend a Secret Keeper Girl event next month with my daughter, and some of her friends and their moms!  I have been hoping and praying that it would come to my area. 

Secret Keeper Girl Florida

My Precious Rosebud

Hello moms (or dads)!  My little ezer is still thoroughly enjoying her PureNRG music.  Here is a recent video of her singing one of her favorite songs from the group:

Hearing my daughter sing this song has blessed me over and over again; and I pray this will indeed be her life's goal: to live her life for God!

The other night, as my daughter was going to bed, she came to me and said, "I didn't give you a goodnight hug yet".  She wrapped her arms around me tightly and exclaimed, "I love you soooo much.  I love you more than anything".  Naturally, these words blessed my heart, especially since such words were not the norm for her to utter.  Usually, when I say, "I love you" to her, I receive no response.  What spurred my girl to speak so from her heart, I wondered.  Was it the other day when she was feeling sick and I devotedly cared for her needs?  Did she feel my love for her more than usual that day?  The Word says that we love God because He first loved us.  Don't our children likewise love us because we first loved them?  Or could it be that she is responding to my excitement over the "special time" that I am planning with her soon?  I have been telling her that next month, she and I are going to do some very special things together, but it is all a surprise.  I have refused to even give her any hints. But I have been oh so excited!  Perhaps her sweet heart is responding to her mother's joy over our coming time together:)

Whatever is causing such closeness in our relationship as of late, oh how I want it to stay!  I want my daughter to look to me as her best friend.  Yes, I'm her mother, and must set boundaries, enforce discipline and expect respect.  But I'm also her confidant.  After God, I think a mother should be a daughter's most intimate ally as she blossoms into womanhood.  Lord, let it be!